New york maritime college

The State University of New York (SUNY) Maritime College, also known as SUNY Maritime, is a public college located in Throggs Neck, Bronx, New York City. It is one of the 64 campuses of the State University of New York (SUNY) system.

Here are some key facts about SUNY Maritime College:

History: SUNY Maritime College was founded in 1874 as the New York State Nautical School. It was established to provide training for young men who wanted to become officers in the United States Merchant Marine.

Academics: The college offers a range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs in fields such as:

Maritime Programs: SUNY Maritime College is one of the few colleges in the United States that offers a comprehensive maritime education program. The college has a strong focus on practical training, and students have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience on the college's fleet of vessels, including the training ship Empire State VI.

Campus: The college's campus is located on a 100-acre site in Throggs Neck, Bronx, with a waterfront location on the Long Island Sound. The campus features modern facilities, including state-of-the-art classrooms, laboratories, and recreational facilities.

Student Life: SUNY Maritime College has a diverse student body of around 1,800 students, with a mix of traditional and non-traditional students. The college has a range of student organizations and clubs, including sailing, rowing, and rugby teams.

Accreditation: SUNY Maritime College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).

Rankings: SUNY Maritime College has been ranked as one of the top maritime colleges in the United States by various organizations, including the National Association of Marine Laboratories and the Maritime Education and Training Association.

Career Opportunities: Graduates of SUNY Maritime College have a wide range of career opportunities in the maritime industry, including positions as officers on commercial vessels, engineers, and managers in shipping companies, ports, and terminals. Many graduates also go on to pursue advanced degrees in fields such as law, business, and engineering.