New york map vector

You're looking for a vector map of New York!

Here are a few options:

  1. OpenStreetMap (OSM): OSM is a collaborative project that provides free and editable maps of the world. You can download the New York City map as a vector file (e.g., SVG) from their website.
  2. Mapbox: Mapbox is a popular mapping platform that offers a wide range of vector maps, including New York City. You can sign up for a free account and download the map as a vector file (e.g., GeoJSON).
  3. Stamen Design: Stamen Design is a design studio that creates beautiful, open-source maps. They offer a vector map of New York City that you can download as a GeoJSON file.
  4. Natural Earth: Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset that provides vector maps of the world. You can download the New York City map as a shapefile (e.g.,.shp) or GeoJSON file.
  5. NYC Open Data: The City of New York provides open data on various topics, including maps. You can download the NYC street centerlines as a shapefile (e.g.,.shp) or GeoJSON file.

Some popular vector map formats include:

Before downloading, make sure to check the licensing terms and conditions for each map to ensure you're allowed to use it for your intended purpose.

Happy mapping!