New york location on world map

New York is a state located in the northeastern United States. Here is its location on a world map:

Latitude: 40.7128° N (approximately) Longitude: 74.0060° W (approximately)

Here's a rough outline of where New York is located on a world map:

Here's a more detailed map to help you visualize:

[Insert a world map image]

On this map, you can see that New York is located on the eastern coast of the United States, bordering the Atlantic Ocean. It shares borders with the states of Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

If you're looking for a specific location within New York, such as New York City, here are the coordinates:

New York City:

Keep in mind that these coordinates are approximate, as the exact location of a city or state can vary slightly depending on the mapping system or method used.