New york harper and row

Harper & Row is a publishing company that was founded in 1817 in New York City. Here are some interesting facts about Harper & Row:

  1. Early beginnings: Harper & Row was founded by brothers John and Fletcher Harper, who had previously worked for the publishing company, Harper & Brothers.
  2. Imprints: Harper & Row had several imprints, including Harper's Magazine, Harper's Weekly, and Harper's Bazaar.
  3. Bestselling authors: Harper & Row published many bestselling authors, including Mark Twain, Herman Melville, and Louisa May Alcott.
  4. Children's books: Harper & Row was known for publishing popular children's books, such as "Goodnight Moon" by Margaret Wise Brown and "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Seuss.
  5. Acquisitions: Harper & Row acquired several other publishing companies, including William Morrow & Company and Avon Books.
  6. Merger: In 1990, Harper & Row merged with William Morrow & Company to form HarperCollins Publishers.
  7. Headquarters: Harper & Row's headquarters were located in New York City, and the company was a major player in the publishing industry for over 170 years.

Some notable books published by Harper & Row include:

Harper & Row's legacy continues to be felt in the publishing industry today, with HarperCollins Publishers remaining one of the largest and most respected publishing companies in the world.