New york fair and lovely

You're referring to the iconic beauty brand, Fair & Lovely!

Fair & Lovely is a popular skin care brand in India and other parts of Asia, known for its fairness creams and other beauty products. The brand has been around for decades and has become a household name in many countries.

However, it's worth noting that the brand has faced criticism and controversy over the years, particularly with regards to its marketing and advertising strategies. Some critics have argued that the brand's emphasis on fairness and skin lightening perpetuates harmful beauty standards and reinforces racist attitudes towards darker skin tones.

In recent years, the brand has faced backlash on social media, with many people calling for a boycott of the brand and criticizing its marketing campaigns. In response, the brand has attempted to rebrand itself and shift its focus towards promoting self-acceptance and inclusivity.

Despite the controversy, Fair & Lovely remains a popular brand in many parts of the world, particularly in India and other Asian countries. However, it's important to recognize the potential harm that the brand's marketing and advertising strategies may cause, and to promote more inclusive and diverse beauty standards.