New york city zip code

New York City has a total of 78 unique zip codes, which are listed below:

  1. 10001-10003, 10005-10007, 10009-10012, 10014-10015, 10017-10021, 10023-10024, 10025-10028, 10030-10032, 10035-10039, 10040-10041, 10044-10045, 10046-10050, 10051-10052, 10055-10056, 10060-10062, 10065-10067, 10069-10070, 10072-10074, 10075-10077, 10079-10082, 10085-10088, 10090-10092, 10095-10096, 10098-10099

Here are some notable zip codes in New York City:

Note that some zip codes may overlap between boroughs or neighborhoods, and some may be shared by multiple zip codes.