New york city state code

You're looking for the New York City State Code!

New York City has its own unique set of laws and regulations, which are compiled in the New York City Charter and the New York City Administrative Code. Here's a brief overview:

New York City Charter:

The New York City Charter is the city's constitution, outlining the structure and powers of the city government. It was last revised in 1989 and is available online.

New York City Administrative Code:

The New York City Administrative Code is a comprehensive collection of laws and regulations governing the city's administration, including topics such as:

The Administrative Code is available online and is updated regularly.

New York City State Code:

New York City is not a state, but a city within the state of New York. Therefore, it does not have its own state code. The state of New York has its own code, known as the New York State Consolidated Laws, which can be found online.

Where to find the New York City Code:

You can find the New York City Charter and Administrative Code online through the following sources:

Remember to always verify the accuracy and currency of the information you find online, as laws and regulations are subject to change.