New york city address format
The address format in New York City is as follows:
Street Address:
- Number (1-9999) followed by a space
- Street name (e.g. Broadway, 5th Avenue, etc.)
- Street type (e.g. Street, Avenue, Place, etc.)
- Apartment or suite number (if applicable)
Example: 123 Main Street, Apt 4B
Zip Code:
- New York City uses a unique zip code format, which includes a five-digit code followed by a four-digit code (known as a "plus-four" code).
Example: 10021-1234
Full Address Format:
- [Number] [Street name] [Street type] [Apartment or suite number], [Zip code]
Example: 123 Main Street, Apt 4B, 10021-1234
Additional Notes:
- In New York City, it's common to include the borough name (e.g. Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, etc.) in the address, especially when mailing packages or sending mail.
- Some buildings in New York City may have a "building name" or "complex name" that is included in the address.
- Some addresses may include a "floor" or "unit" number, which is typically included after the apartment or suite number.
Example: 123 Main Street, Apt 4B, Floor 3, 10021-1234
It's worth noting that the New York City Department of City Planning provides a detailed guide to the city's address format, which includes specific guidelines for formatting addresses in different parts of the city.