New york cannibal restaurant

You're referring to the infamous "Cannibal Restaurant" in New York City!

The restaurant you're likely thinking of is called "Cannibal" (not to be confused with the 1980 film "Cannibal Holocaust"), which was a short-lived restaurant that opened in 2014 in the East Village neighborhood of Manhattan.

The restaurant was the brainchild of chef and restaurateur, Andrew Carmellini, who is known for his creative and innovative approach to cuisine. The concept of the restaurant was to serve a menu that featured dishes made from unusual and exotic ingredients, including insects, offal, and other unconventional components.

The menu at Cannibal included dishes such as:

The restaurant received a lot of attention and publicity, both positive and negative, with some people praising the creativity and boldness of the menu, while others were appalled by the use of unconventional ingredients.

Unfortunately, Cannibal closed its doors after just a few months of operation, citing financial difficulties and a lack of customers willing to try the unusual menu offerings.

Despite its short-lived existence, Cannibal remains a fascinating footnote in the history of New York City's culinary scene, and its legacy continues to inspire and intrigue foodies and adventurous eaters to this day.