New york business search

Here are some ways to search for businesses in New York:

Online Directories

  1. New York State Department of State - Business Entity Search: This is an official database of businesses registered in New York State. You can search by business name, entity type, or location.
  2. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs - Business Directory: This directory lists businesses licensed to operate in New York City. You can search by business name, industry, or location.
  3. Yellow Pages: The online version of the classic phone book, Yellow Pages allows you to search for businesses in New York by category, location, or name.

Government Websites

  1. New York State Department of Labor - Business Search: This website allows you to search for businesses by name, location, or industry.
  2. New York City Department of Small Business Services - Business Search: This directory lists businesses that have received services from the NYC Department of Small Business Services.

Private Search Engines

  1. Google Maps: You can use Google Maps to search for businesses in New York by typing in a location or business name.
  2. Yelp: Yelp is a popular review website that allows you to search for businesses in New York by category, location, or name.

Other Resources

  1. New York Business Journal: This website provides news and information about businesses in New York, including a directory of companies.
  2. Crain's New York Business: This website provides news and information about businesses in New York City, including a directory of companies.

Remember to always verify the accuracy of the information you find through these resources, especially when searching for businesses online.