New york business entity search

The New York State Department of State's Division of Corporations, State Records and Uniform Commercial Code (DOS) maintains a database of business entities registered in the state. You can search for business entities in New York using the following methods:

Online Search

  1. Visit the New York State Department of State's website at
  2. Click on "Business Entities" and then "Search Business Entities".
  3. Enter the business name, entity type (e.g., corporation, limited liability company, partnership), or filing ID number.
  4. Click "Search" to retrieve the search results.

Search Options

You can search for business entities in New York using various criteria, including:

Search Results

The search results will display the following information:

Additional Information

You can also access additional information about a business entity, such as:


There is no fee to search for business entities in New York. However, you may need to pay a fee to access additional information or to obtain certified copies of documents.
