New york best selling authors

The city that never sleeps is also home to many bestselling authors! Here are some of the most popular and successful authors from New York:

  1. J.K. Rowling (born in Yate, England, but raised in New York City) - Author of the Harry Potter series, which has sold over 500 million copies worldwide.
  2. Jennifer Weiner (born in New York City) - Author of bestselling novels like "Good in Bed" and "Who Do You Love".
  3. Jonathan Safran Foer (born in Washington, D.C., but raised in New York City) - Author of bestselling novels like "Everything Is Illuminated" and "Eating Animals".
  4. Jonathan Franzen (born in Western Springs, Illinois, but raised in New York City) - Author of bestselling novels like "The Corrections" and "Freedom".
  5. Amy Tan (born in Oakland, California, but raised in New York City) - Author of bestselling novels like "The Joy Luck Club" and "The Kitchen God's Wife".
  6. Michael Chabon (born in Washington, D.C., but raised in New York City) - Author of bestselling novels like "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay" and "Wonder Boys".
  7. Nicole Krauss (born in New York City) - Author of bestselling novels like "The History of Love" and "Great House".
  8. Joshua Ferris (born in New York City) - Author of bestselling novels like "Then We Came to the End" and "To Rise Again at a Decent Hour".
  9. Sloane Crosley (born in New York City) - Author of bestselling essay collections like "I Was Told There'd Be Cake" and "How Did You Get This Number".
  10. Jonathan Lethem (born in Brooklyn, New York) - Author of bestselling novels like "Dissident Gardens" and "Chronic City".
  11. Jennifer Egan (born in Chicago, Illinois, but raised in New York City) - Author of bestselling novels like "A Visit from the Goon Squad" and "Look at Me".
  12. George Saunders (born in Amarillo, Texas, but raised in New York City) - Author of bestselling short story collections like "Tenth of December" and "Lincoln in the Bardo".
  13. Meg Wolitzer (born in New York City) - Author of bestselling novels like "The Interestings" and "The Uncoupling".
  14. Curtis Sittenfeld (born in Cincinnati, Ohio, but raised in New York City) - Author of bestselling novels like "Prep" and "You Think It, I'll Say It".
  15. Emily Giffin (born in Kansas City, Missouri, but raised in New York City) - Author of bestselling novels like "Something Borrowed" and "Where We Belong".

These are just a few examples of the many talented authors who have called New York City home.