New york area code map
Here is a map of the area codes in the New York metropolitan area:
New York City
- 212: Manhattan (except for the Upper East Side, which uses 646)
- 646: Upper East Side of Manhattan, as well as parts of Queens and Brooklyn
- 718: Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island
- 917: Cellular and wireless numbers throughout the city
Long Island
- 516: Nassau County
- 631: Suffolk County
- 934: The Hamptons and surrounding areas in Suffolk County
Hudson Valley
- 845: Orange, Putnam, Dutchess, and Ulster counties
- 914: Westchester County
Capital District
- 518: Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady counties
- 838: Some areas in Albany and Rensselaer counties
North Country
- 518: Some areas in Clinton, Essex, and Warren counties
- 315: Some areas in St. Lawrence and Jefferson counties
Other surrounding areas
- 203: Connecticut (Fairfield County)
- 475: Connecticut (Fairfield County)
- 201: New Jersey (Bergen and Hudson counties)
- 551: New Jersey (Bergen and Hudson counties)
- 845: Some areas in Pennsylvania ( Pike and Monroe counties)
Note that some area codes may overlap or have complex boundaries, and this map is not exhaustive. Additionally, new area codes may be introduced or existing ones may be modified in the future.