New york 2140

"New York 2140" is a science fiction novel by Kim Stanley Robinson, published in 2017. The book is set in a future where the city of New York has been transformed by climate change, sea level rise, and technological advancements.

The story takes place in the year 2140, when the city is largely underwater, with the East River and the Hudson River serving as a new shoreline. The city has been rebuilt and transformed, with floating cities, underwater habitats, and advanced technologies that have allowed humanity to adapt to the new environment.

The novel follows a diverse cast of characters, including a group of artists, activists, and entrepreneurs who are working to rebuild and reimagine the city. The story explores themes of climate change, sustainability, and social justice, as well as the ways in which technology and innovation can be used to create a more equitable and resilient future.

Some of the key features of the novel include:

Overall, "New York 2140" is a thought-provoking and imaginative novel that offers a compelling vision of a future where humanity has adapted to the challenges of climate change and is working to create a more sustainable and equitable world.