New year memes

The joy of new year memes! Here are some popular ones:

  1. New Year, Who Dis? [Image of a person with a confused expression]
  2. 2022, I'm Ready for You [Image of a person with a determined face, holding a party popper]
  3. New Year, Same Me [Image of a person with a shrugging expression, holding a "same old me" sign]
  4. 2022, Let's Do This! [Image of a person with a motivational speech bubble, flexing their muscles]
  5. New Year, New Me (Just Kidding, Same Old Me) [Image of a person with a sarcastic expression, holding a "same old me" sign]
  6. 2022, I'm Not Making Any Resolutions [Image of a person with a "meh" expression, holding a "no resolutions" sign]
  7. New Year, New Goals (But Let's Be Real, I'll Probably Just Eat Cereal for Dinner) [Image of a person with a humorous expression, holding a bowl of cereal]
  8. 2022, I'm Ready to Adult (But First, Let Me Take a Nap) [Image of a person with a sleepy expression, holding a pillow]
  9. New Year, New Me (But My Cat is Still Going to Wake Me Up at 4 AM) [Image of a person with a frustrated expression, holding a cat]
  10. 2022, I'm Not a Morning Person (But I'll Pretend to Be for the Sake of the New Year) [Image of a person with a bleary-eyed expression, holding a coffee cup]

These memes are sure to bring a smile to your face as you ring in the new year!