New year meditation

A great way to start the new year! Here's a guided meditation to help you reflect, release, and set intentions for the year ahead:

New Year Meditation: Reflection, Release, and Intention

Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit, close your eyes, and take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Reflection (5 minutes)

Bring to mind the past year. Think about the experiences, both big and small, that have shaped you. Reflect on the challenges you faced, the accomplishments you achieved, and the lessons you learned.

Notice any patterns or themes that emerged. Are there any areas where you feel stuck or stagnant? Are there any moments of joy, love, or triumph that stand out?

As you reflect, allow yourself to feel any emotions that arise. Acknowledge them, and gently let them go.

Release (5 minutes)

Now, imagine yourself standing in front of a river. The river represents the past year, and all its experiences, emotions, and memories.

Visualize any negative thoughts, emotions, or patterns that you've identified as you reflect on the past year. See them as leaves floating on the surface of the river.

As you exhale, imagine blowing these leaves away from you, allowing them to drift downstream, carrying with them any burdens or weights you've been carrying.

Repeat the phrase "I release" as you exhale, letting go of any attachment to these thoughts, emotions, or patterns.

Intention (5 minutes)

Imagine yourself standing at the edge of a new river, representing the year ahead. This river is calm, clear, and full of possibility.

Think about what you want to create, achieve, or experience in the coming year. What are your hopes, dreams, and aspirations?

As you inhale, imagine drawing in the energy of your intentions. See them as sparks of light that ignite within you.

Repeat the phrase "I intend" as you inhale, affirming your desires and setting your intentions for the year ahead.

Conclusion (1 minute)

Take one final, deep breath in, and as you exhale, imagine yourself stepping into the new year, carrying with you the wisdom of the past, the release of any burdens, and the clarity of your intentions.

When you're ready, slowly open your eyes, and take a moment to notice how you feel. Notice any shifts in your body, your breath, or your mind.

Remember to be patient and kind to yourself as you navigate the year ahead. Trust that you have the strength, resilience, and wisdom to create the life you desire.

Wishing you a happy, healthy, and fulfilling new year!