New yam festival in igbo land

The New Yam Festival! A significant cultural celebration in Igbo land, Nigeria. Here's an overview:

What is the New Yam Festival?

The New Yam Festival, also known as "Iri Ji" or "Iri ji anọ" in Igbo, is a traditional harvest festival celebrated by the Igbo people of southeastern Nigeria. The festival marks the end of the yam harvest season and the beginning of a new yam season. It's a time to give thanks to the gods for a bountiful harvest and to celebrate the fertility of the land.

When is the New Yam Festival?

The festival is usually celebrated in September or October, depending on the location and the yam harvest season. In some communities, the festival is celebrated on a specific day, while in others, it's a week-long celebration.

Significance of the New Yam Festival

The New Yam Festival is a significant cultural event in Igbo land, and its significance can be summarized as follows:

  1. Harvest celebration: The festival marks the end of the yam harvest season, which is a significant crop for the Igbo people.
  2. Thanksgiving: The festival is a time to give thanks to the gods for a bountiful harvest and to seek their blessings for the coming year.
  3. Cultural preservation: The festival helps to preserve Igbo culture and traditions, including music, dance, and food.
  4. Community bonding: The festival brings people together, fostering community bonding and social cohesion.

Traditions and customs

During the New Yam Festival, several traditions and customs are observed, including:

  1. Yam presentation: The festival begins with the presentation of new yams to the gods and ancestors.
  2. Traditional music and dance: Traditional music and dance performances are an integral part of the festival.
  3. Food: Traditional Igbo dishes, such as yam porridge, are prepared and shared among family and friends.
  4. Rituals and sacrifices: Rituals and sacrifices are performed to appease the gods and ensure a good harvest in the coming year.
  5. Feasting and merriment: The festival is a time for feasting and merriment, with family and friends coming together to celebrate.


The New Yam Festival is a significant cultural celebration in Igbo land, marking the end of the yam harvest season and the beginning of a new yam season. It's a time to give thanks to the gods, preserve Igbo culture and traditions, and bond with family and friends.