New yam festival 2019

The New Yam Festival! It's a significant cultural event in Nigeria, particularly in the Igbo region. Here's some information about the 2019 edition:

Date: The 2019 New Yam Festival was held on September 14, 2019.

Location: The festival was held in various locations across Nigeria, with the main event taking place in Awka, the capital city of Anambra State.

Purpose: The New Yam Festival, also known as the Iri Ji, is a traditional celebration that marks the beginning of the yam harvest season. It's a time to give thanks to the gods for the yam crop, which is a staple food in Igbo culture.

Activities: The festival featured various activities, including:

  1. Traditional dances and music performances
  2. Cultural displays and exhibitions
  3. Food and drink stalls offering local delicacies, including yam-based dishes
  4. A yam festival queen competition
  5. A traditional wrestling competition
  6. A cultural parade and procession

Highlights: Some of the highlights of the 2019 New Yam Festival included:

  1. The presence of traditional rulers, including the Obi of Onitsha and the Obi of Awka
  2. A special performance by the Igbo cultural troupe, "The Igbo Cultural Group"
  3. A yam-themed fashion show featuring traditional and modern outfits
  4. A food festival with a variety of yam-based dishes and other local delicacies

Significance: The New Yam Festival is an important cultural event that promotes Igbo heritage and traditions. It's a time for families and communities to come together, celebrate their cultural identity, and give thanks for the blessings of the yam harvest.

I hope this information helps!