New yahoo email address
To create a new Yahoo email address, follow these steps:
- Go to the Yahoo website and click on the "Sign Up" button at the top right corner of the page.
- Enter your first and last name, and choose a username (this will be your email address).
- Enter a password and confirm it.
- Enter your birthday and gender.
- Enter your country and language.
- Click on the "Continue" button.
- You will be asked to verify your email address by clicking on a link sent to your new email address.
- Once you've verified your email address, you can start using your new Yahoo email account.
Here are some tips to help you choose a good username:
- Make it easy to remember: Choose a username that is easy to remember and type.
- Make it unique: Try to choose a username that is unique and not easily guessed.
- Avoid using common words: Avoid using common words or phrases that can be easily guessed.
- Use a combination of letters and numbers: Using a combination of letters and numbers can make your username more secure.
- Avoid using special characters: Avoid using special characters such as!, @, #, etc. unless you really need to.
Here are some examples of good and bad usernames:
- johnsmith123
- jsmith2000
- jsmith1234
- johnsmith
- jsmith123
- jsmith!
Remember to choose a strong and unique password for your Yahoo email account.