New xbox name

You're looking for a new name for the Xbox brand! Here are some suggestions:

  1. Xenon: A nod to the Xbox's origins, with a futuristic twist.
  2. Apex: Suggesting a peak gaming experience, with a strong and powerful sound.
  3. Pulse: Implying a thrilling and energetic gaming experience, with a modern and sleek sound.
  4. Nova: Meaning "new" in Latin, with a nod to the Xbox's innovative spirit and a futuristic sound.
  5. Kairos: A Greek word meaning "the right moment," implying a gaming experience that's always timely and exciting.
  6. Voyager: Suggesting a journey of discovery and exploration, with a sense of adventure and excitement.
  7. Fusion: Implying a blending of gaming and entertainment, with a modern and dynamic sound.
  8. Rise: Suggesting a gaming experience that's always on the rise, with a strong and uplifting sound.
  9. Lumin: Meaning "light" in Latin, implying a bright and engaging gaming experience.
  10. Pinnacle: Suggesting a peak gaming experience, with a strong and triumphant sound.

Which one do you like the most?