New x men movie cast

Exciting news! The new X-Men movie, "The New Mutants", has a fresh cast of talented actors. Here's the list:

  1. Maisie Williams as Rahne Sinclair / Wolfsbane: A Scottish mutant with the ability to transform into a wolf-like creature.
  2. Anya Taylor-Joy as Illyana Rasputin / Magik: A Russian mutant with the ability to teleport and manipulate her surroundings.
  3. Charlie Heaton as Samuel Guthrie / Cannonball: An American mutant with the ability to generate powerful explosions from his body.
  4. Henry Zaga as Roberto da Costa / Sunspot: A Brazilian mutant with the ability to absorb and manipulate solar energy.
  5. Blu Hunt as Danielle Moonstar / Mirage: A Cheyenne mutant with the ability to create powerful illusions.
  6. Alice Braga as Dr. Cecilia Reyes: A human doctor who becomes the mentor and guardian of the New Mutants.

The movie is directed by Josh Boone and is set to be released on April 3, 2020. It's a horror-tinged take on the X-Men franchise, focusing on the younger characters and their struggles with their powers and the mysterious events that unfold at the Hellfire Club.

Are you excited to see this new cast of characters bring the X-Men universe to life?