New worship medley

Exciting! Creating a new worship medley can be a great way to refresh your church's worship setlist and engage your congregation. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Choose a theme or concept: Before selecting songs, consider a theme or concept for your medley. This could be a specific Bible verse, a season of the year, or a particular emotion or feeling. This will help guide your song selection and give your medley a cohesive feel.

Select songs: Choose 3-5 worship songs that fit your theme or concept. Consider the following factors:

  1. Key: Ensure the songs are in a key that works well together. You can use a key-finding tool or experiment with different keys to find a harmonious combination.
  2. Style: Mix and match different styles, such as contemporary, traditional, and Hillsong-style songs, to create a unique sound.
  3. Lyrics: Select songs with lyrics that align with your theme or concept. You can also consider using songs with similar themes or emotions to create a cohesive narrative.
  4. Tempo: Vary the tempo to keep the medley engaging. You can start with a slower song, build up to a faster one, and then slow down again.

Create a structure: Determine the order and structure of your medley. You can use the following format:

  1. Intro: Start with a brief introduction, such as a simple chord progression or a short instrumental piece.
  2. Verse 1: Begin with the first song, playing the entire verse.
  3. Chorus: Transition to the chorus of the first song, then move to the chorus of the second song, and so on.
  4. Bridge: Add a bridge section, which can be a new song or a combination of lyrics from different songs.
  5. Outro: End with a final chorus or a reprise of the intro.

Arrange the songs: Experiment with different arrangements to create a seamless flow. You can:

  1. Harmonize: Add harmonies to create a richer sound.
  2. Add instrumental parts: Incorporate instruments, such as guitars, keyboards, or drums, to enhance the arrangement.
  3. Modify lyrics: Adjust lyrics to fit the melody or create a new narrative.

Practice and refine: Once you have your medley arranged, practice it with your worship team to ensure a smooth performance. Make adjustments as needed to perfect the arrangement.

Tips and resources:

I hope this helps you create a new worship medley that your congregation will love!