New world reddit

You're interested in the New World subreddit!

The New World subreddit is a community dedicated to the discussion of Amazon Game Studios' MMORPG game, New World. The game is set in the 17th century and allows players to explore a vast open world, engage in combat, and build their own settlements.

Here are some popular topics and discussions you can find on the New World subreddit:

  1. Gameplay tips and strategies: Players share their experiences, strategies, and tips for completing quests, defeating enemies, and building their characters.
  2. New World news and updates: The community discusses the latest news, patch notes, and updates from the game developers, as well as rumors and speculation about upcoming features.
  3. Character builds and optimization: Players share their character builds, discussing the best combinations of skills, equipment, and playstyles for different roles and activities.
  4. Server and community discussions: Players connect with others on their server, discussing server-specific issues, events, and activities, as well as sharing tips and advice for building a strong community.
  5. Bug reports and feedback: The community helps identify and report bugs, as well as provides feedback to the developers on various aspects of the game.
  6. Roleplaying and storytelling: Players engage in roleplaying and storytelling, creating their own characters and scenarios within the game's world.
  7. Art and creative content: The community showcases their artistic creations, such as fan art, cosplay, and music inspired by the game.

Some popular subreddits related to New World include:

Feel free to join the conversation and connect with other New World enthusiasts!