New world ray

You're referring to the New World Ray, a fascinating phenomenon!

The New World Ray is a rare atmospheric optical phenomenon that appears as a bright, white or colored ray of light that stretches across the sky, often in a straight line or an arc. It's also known as a "sun dog" or "parhelion."

Here are some interesting facts about the New World Ray:

  1. Caused by ice crystals: The New World Ray is formed when sunlight passes through ice crystals in the atmosphere at a specific angle, creating the illusion of a bright, shining ray.
  2. Rare occurrence: The New World Ray is relatively rare because the conditions necessary to produce it are quite specific. The sun must be between 12° and 16° above the horizon, and there must be ice crystals in the atmosphere at a specific altitude.
  3. Colorful display: The New World Ray can appear in a range of colors, including white, yellow, orange, red, and even green. The color depends on the size and shape of the ice crystals and the angle of the sun.
  4. Associated with other optical phenomena: The New World Ray is often seen in conjunction with other atmospheric optical phenomena, such as halos, glories, and mirages.
  5. Cultural significance: In some cultures, the New World Ray is considered a sign of good luck or a harbinger of change.

If you're interested in spotting a New World Ray, keep an eye out for the following conditions:

Remember to grab your camera and capture the moment if you spot a New World Ray – it's a rare and breathtaking sight!