New world game

You're referring to New World, the upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Amazon Game Studios!

Here's what we know so far:


New World is set in the 17th century, during the colonial era of the Americas. Players will embark on a journey to explore, trade, and conquer a fictional world inspired by the cultures and landscapes of the time. The game promises a rich storyline, complex characters, and a vast open world to discover.


  1. Exploration: Players will be able to explore a vast, open world, discovering new lands, resources, and secrets.
  2. Combat: New World features a dynamic combat system, allowing players to engage in intense battles with a variety of enemies, from small creatures to massive beasts.
  3. Crafting: Players will be able to craft a wide range of items, from weapons and armor to buildings and furniture.
  4. Trading: The game includes a complex trading system, allowing players to buy and sell goods, resources, and other items.
  5. Settlements: Players will be able to establish and manage their own settlements, recruiting NPCs (non-player characters) to help with governance, trade, and defense.
  6. PvP: New World includes a PvP (player versus player) system, allowing players to engage in combat with each other in designated areas.

Release Date

New World is currently scheduled to release on August 31, 2022, for PC (Microsoft Windows).

System Requirements

To play New World, you'll need a PC with the following system requirements:

Beta Test

Amazon Game Studios has announced a closed beta test for New World, which will take place in the summer of 2022. Players who sign up for the beta test will get early access to the game and help shape its development.

Are you excited about New World? Do you have any questions about the game?