New words with meaning

Here are some new words with their meanings:

  1. Gigil (noun): A Filipino term that refers to the feeling of excitement or thrill, often accompanied by a sense of nervousness or anticipation.

Example: "I'm feeling gigil for the concert tonight!"

  1. Vaxxer (noun): A person who has been vaccinated against a particular disease or virus.

Example: "As a vaxxer, I feel safer knowing I've got protection against COVID-19."

  1. Slay (verb): To excel or dominate at something, often in a impressive or impressive manner.

Example: "She slayed her presentation and got a standing ovation!"

  1. Sonder (noun): The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.

Example: "When I'm on public transportation, I often feel a sense of sonder, wondering what's going on in the lives of the people around me."

  1. Kintsugi (noun): The art of repairing broken pottery with gold or silver lacquer, highlighting the brokenness rather than disguising it.

Example: "The kintsugi technique is a beautiful way to preserve the history of an object, rather than trying to make it look new again."

  1. Meraki (verb): To do something with soul, creativity, or love; to put something of yourself into your work.

Example: "I meraki every stitch I sew into my handmade clothes, it's a labor of love."

  1. Yūgen (noun): A profound and mysterious sense of the beauty of the world, and the sad beauty of human suffering.

Example: "The yūgen of the sunset on the beach was breathtaking, it filled me with a sense of awe and melancholy."

  1. Ikigai (noun): A reason for waking up in the morning, a sense of purpose or meaning in life.

Example: "Finding my ikigai as a writer has given me a sense of direction and fulfillment."

  1. Dolce far niente (noun): The pleasure of doing nothing, and enjoying the sweetness of idleness.

Example: "After a long week, I'm looking forward to a dolce far niente weekend, just relaxing and enjoying the moment."

  1. Wabi-sabi (noun): The acceptance of transience and imperfection, finding beauty in the imperfect and impermanent.

Example: "The wabi-sabi of the old, worn-out wooden chair is what makes it so charming, it's a reminder that beauty can be found in imperfection."

I hope you find these words interesting and useful!