New words to use

Here are some new words you can use in your writing or conversations:


  1. Whimsy (n.) - a feeling or mood of lighthearted, fanciful, or playful humor Example: "The whimsy of the carnival brought joy to the children."
  2. Perspicacious (adj.) - having a keen understanding and insight Example: "She was a perspicacious observer of human behavior."
  3. Ennui (n.) - a feeling of listlessness and boredom Example: "After a few months of doing the same job, he started to feel ennui."
  4. Ephemeral (adj.) - lasting for a very short time Example: "The firefly's glow was ephemeral, lasting only for a few seconds."
  5. Fastidious (adj.) - having a strong attention to detail and a desire for perfection Example: "He was a fastidious editor, ensuring every detail was correct."


  1. Galvanize (v.) - to shock or stimulate someone into action Example: "The news of the environmental disaster galvanized the community into action."
  2. Perfidious (adj.) - disloyal or treacherous Example: "The company's perfidious actions led to a loss of trust among its customers."
  3. Reclusive (adj.) - preferring to be alone and avoiding social contact Example: "The reclusive author rarely gave interviews or made public appearances."
  4. Vigilant (adj.) - watchful and attentive Example: "The security team was vigilant, monitoring the premises for any signs of trouble."
  5. Whimsically (adv.) - in a playful or fanciful manner Example: "She designed the garden whimsically, incorporating unusual shapes and colors."


  1. Cacophony (n.) - a harsh, discordant sound Example: "The city streets were filled with the cacophony of car horns and sirens."
  2. Ephemera (n.) - things that are transitory or fleeting Example: "The ephemera of childhood, such as toys and games, are often forgotten as we grow older."
  3. Fastidiousness (n.) - a strong attention to detail and a desire for perfection Example: "Her fastidiousness in her work was evident in every detail."
  4. Lassitude (n.) - a feeling of weariness or lack of energy Example: "After a long day, she felt lassitude wash over her."
  5. Mellifluous (n.) - having a smooth and sweet sound Example: "The singer's mellifluous voice filled the concert hall."

I hope these words help you add some variety to your language!