New words in english with meaning

Here are some new words in English with their meanings:

  1. Vaxxer (noun): A person who has been vaccinated against a particular disease. (Example: "I'm a vaxxer, so I'm not worried about getting COVID-19.")
  2. Infodemic (noun): A situation in which there is a large amount of conflicting or unreliable information about a particular topic, making it difficult to know what to believe. (Example: "The infodemic surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine has made it hard for people to make informed decisions.")
  3. Slay (verb): To excel or dominate at something. (Example: "She slayed her presentation and got a promotion.")
  4. Ghosting (verb): To suddenly stop responding to someone's messages or communications without explanation. (Example: "I was ghosted by my ex after we broke up.")
  5. Savage (adjective): Something that is brutally honest or ruthless. (Example: "Her savage criticism of the movie was harsh, but accurate.")
  6. TikTok (verb): To create and share short-form videos on the social media platform TikTok. (Example: "I spent all day TikToking and didn't get any work done.")
  7. Wellness (noun): A state of being healthy and happy, both physically and mentally. (Example: "I prioritize my wellness by exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet.")
  8. FOMO (noun): Fear of Missing Out, a feeling of anxiety or apprehension when you think others are having a better time or experiencing something more exciting than you. (Example: "I have FOMO when I see my friends on vacation and I'm stuck at home.")
  9. Squad (noun): A close-knit group of friends or associates. (Example: "My squad and I are going to the concert tonight.")
  10. Savage (noun): A person who is brutally honest or ruthless. (Example: "She's a savage and always tells it like it is.")
  11. Lowkey (adverb): Secretly or quietly. (Example: "I lowkey love that TV show, but I don't want to admit it to my friends.")
  12. Highkey (adverb): Openly or obviously. (Example: "I highkey love that new restaurant and can't stop talking about it.")
  13. Salty (adjective): Bitter or resentful, often due to a past conflict or betrayal. (Example: "He's still salty about the argument we had last week.")
  14. Tea (noun): Gossip or juicy information. (Example: "What's the tea on the latest celebrity scandal?")
  15. Yaaas (interjection): An expression of strong agreement or enthusiasm. (Example: "Yaaas, I love that new song!")

Note: These words may not be officially recognized by dictionaries or linguistic authorities, but they are commonly used in informal language and online communication.