New words in english for class 1

Here are some new words in English that are suitable for Class 1 students:


  1. Bubble (noun) - a small ball of air that forms on the surface of a liquid Example: "I blew a big bubble with my gum."
  2. Rainbow (noun) - a colorful arc of light that appears in the sky after rain Example: "Look, a rainbow appeared in the sky!"
  3. Butterfly (noun) - a colorful insect with wings Example: "I saw a beautiful butterfly in the garden."
  4. Computer (noun) - a machine that can do many things, like play games and show pictures Example: "My brother plays games on his computer."
  5. Friend (noun) - someone you like and play with Example: "My best friend is Emma."
  6. Happy (adjective) - feeling joyful and content Example: "I'm happy because I got a new toy."
  7. House (noun) - a building where people live Example: "My house is blue and has a big garden."
  8. Music (noun) - sounds that people make to entertain or relax Example: "I love listening to music on my tablet."
  9. Pencil (noun) - a writing tool made of wood and graphite Example: "I need a pencil to do my math homework."
  10. Sun (noun) - a big ball of hot, glowing gas in the sky Example: "The sun is shining brightly today."


  1. How are you? (phrase) - a question to ask someone about their well-being Example: "How are you today?"
  2. I like... (phrase) - a sentence to express a preference Example: "I like playing with blocks."
  3. What's your name? (phrase) - a question to ask someone about their name Example: "What's your name, new student?"
  4. Thank you (phrase) - a polite way to express gratitude Example: "Thank you for sharing your toy with me."
  5. I'm sorry (phrase) - a polite way to apologize Example: "I'm sorry I accidentally broke your toy."

Remember to teach these words and phrases in a fun and interactive way, using flashcards, pictures, and real-life examples to help your students learn and retain the new vocabulary!