New words for grade 6

Here are some new words that a 6th grader might find interesting and useful to learn:

Vocabulary Words

  1. Perspicacious (adjective): having a keen understanding and insight; able to notice and understand things that are not immediately apparent. Example: "She was a perspicacious observer of human behavior and was able to pick up on subtle cues."
  2. Nemesis (noun): a person or thing that is the source of great trouble or annoyance. Example: "The school's nemesis was the rival team that always seemed to beat them in sports."
  3. Ennui (noun): a feeling of listlessness and boredom; a lack of interest or excitement. Example: "After a few months of doing the same job, he started to feel ennui and was looking for a change."
  4. Fastidious (adjective): meticulous and demanding in one's standards; having a strong attention to detail. Example: "She was a fastidious editor and made sure every detail was perfect before publishing the article."
  5. Inscrutable (adjective): difficult to understand or interpret; mysterious. Example: "The ancient hieroglyphics were inscrutable to most people, but the expert was able to decipher their meaning."

Domain-Specific Words

  1. Algorithm (noun): a set of instructions used to solve a problem or complete a task. Example: "The algorithm used by the search engine helped to quickly find the most relevant results."
  2. Biome (noun): a community of plants and animals that live in a specific environment. Example: "The rainforest is a unique biome that is home to many endangered species."
  3. Catalyst (noun): a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction or process. Example: "The catalyst in the chemical reaction helped to convert the raw materials into a usable product."
  4. Ecosystem (noun): a community of living and non-living things that interact with each other in a specific environment. Example: "The forest ecosystem is delicate and relies on the balance of many different factors to thrive."
  5. Hypothesis (noun): a proposed explanation for a phenomenon or problem. Example: "The scientist formed a hypothesis about the cause of the disease and then tested it through experimentation."

Fun Words

  1. Garrulous (adjective): talkative or loquacious. Example: "He was a garrulous person who loved to talk about his favorite sports team."
  2. Whimsy (noun): a feeling or mood of lighthearted, fanciful, or playful humor. Example: "The whimsy of the cartoon character's antics made the audience laugh."
  3. Ephemeral (adjective): lasting for a very short time. Example: "The firefly's glow was ephemeral and only lasted for a few seconds."
  4. Luminescent (adjective): giving off light, typically in the form of rays or a glow. Example: "The luminescent mushrooms grew in the dark forest and lit up the path."
  5. Mercurial (adjective): changeable or unpredictable. Example: "The mercurial weather made it difficult to plan outdoor activities."

I hope these words are helpful and interesting for your 6th-grade students!