New words for grade 4

Here are some new words that a 4th grader might find interesting and useful to learn:

Vocabulary Words

  1. Perspicacious (adjective): having a keen understanding and insight; able to notice and understand things that are not immediately apparent. Example: "She was a perspicacious observer of human behavior."
  2. Nemesis (noun): a person or thing that is the source of great trouble or annoyance. Example: "The mosquito was my nemesis on our camping trip."
  3. Enthusiast (noun): a person who is very interested in and enjoys a particular activity or hobby. Example: "He's an enthusiast of extreme sports."
  4. Rigorous (adjective): demanding a lot of effort or energy; strict or severe. Example: "The teacher gave us a rigorous assignment to complete over the weekend."
  5. Vigilant (adjective): watchful and careful; paying close attention to something. Example: "The lifeguard was vigilant and saved several people from drowning."

Fun Words

  1. Giggle (verb): to laugh in a silly or playful way. Example: "I couldn't help but giggle at the silly joke."
  2. Whimsy (noun): a feeling or mood of lighthearted, fanciful, or playful humor. Example: "The whimsy of the cartoon characters made me smile."
  3. Finesse (noun): delicate and skillful handling or manipulation of something. Example: "The chef added finesse to the dish with a sprinkle of parsley."
  4. Mirth (noun): a feeling of joy or amusement. Example: "The party was filled with mirth and laughter."
  5. Savvy (adjective): having a quick and clever understanding of things. Example: "She's very savvy when it comes to technology."

Words from Other Languages

  1. Sonder (noun): a German word that means "the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own." Example: "I felt a sense of sonder when I saw the crowded city streets."
  2. Ikigai (noun): a Japanese concept that means "a reason for being" or "a sense of purpose." Example: "Finding my ikigai helped me feel more fulfilled in my career."
  3. Meraki (verb): a Greek word that means "to do something with soul, creativity, or love; to put something of yourself into your work." Example: "She meraki'd her art, pouring her heart and soul into each piece."

These words are just a few examples of the many fascinating words that exist in the English language. Encourage your 4th-grade students to explore and learn new words to expand their vocabulary and improve their communication skills!