New words for grade 3

Here are some new words that a 3rd grader might find interesting and useful to learn:

Vocabulary Words

  1. Perspicacious (adjective): having a keen understanding and insight; able to notice and understand things that are not immediately apparent. Example: "She was a perspicacious observer of human behavior."
  2. Nostalgia (noun): a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. Example: "I feel nostalgia for my childhood summers at the beach."
  3. Vigilant (adjective): watchful and attentive; careful to detect and prevent danger or trouble. Example: "The lifeguard was vigilant and saved several swimmers from drowning."
  4. Rigorous (adjective): demanding a lot of effort or energy; severe or strict. Example: "The rigorous training program helped me prepare for the marathon."
  5. Ephemeral (adjective): lasting for a very short time; transitory. Example: "The firefly's glow was ephemeral, lasting only for a few seconds."
  6. Inscrutable (adjective): difficult to understand or interpret; mysterious. Example: "The ancient hieroglyphics were inscrutable to most people."
  7. Luminescent (adjective): giving off light, typically in the form of rays or a glow. Example: "The firefly's body was luminescent, lighting up the dark forest."
  8. Malleable (adjective): able to be shaped or molded; flexible. Example: "The clay was malleable and easy to shape into different forms."
  9. Resilient (adjective): able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions or challenges. Example: "The plant was resilient and continued to grow despite the harsh weather."
  10. Sagacious (adjective): having keen discernment, sound judgment, and farsightedness. Example: "The wise old owl was sagacious and knew exactly what to do in every situation."

Fun Words

  1. Giggle (verb): to laugh in a silly or playful way. Example: "I couldn't help but giggle at the silly joke."
  2. Whimsy (noun): a feeling or mood of lighthearted, fanciful, or playful humor. Example: "The whimsy of the cartoon characters made me laugh."
  3. Flibbertigibbet (noun): a whimsical or flighty person. Example: "My sister is such a flibbertigibbet, always changing her mind."
  4. Gadzooks (exclamation): an expression of surprise or excitement. Example: "Gadzooks! I just won the contest!"
  5. Snollygoster (noun): a shrewd, cunning person who is not always honest. Example: "The snollygoster politician was known for his clever tricks."

Remember to use these words in context and encourage your students to use them in their own writing and conversations!