New words added to english dictionary

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is the definitive dictionary of the English language, and it is updated regularly to reflect new words, senses, and meanings. Here are some recent additions to the OED:

2022 Additions

  1. Vaxxer (noun): a person who has been vaccinated against a particular disease.
  2. Infodemic (noun): a situation in which there is a large amount of information available about a particular topic, but much of it is unreliable or misleading.
  3. Social distancing (noun): the practice of maintaining a safe physical distance from others to reduce the transmission of disease.
  4. Zoom fatigue (noun): the feeling of exhaustion or mental fatigue caused by excessive video conferencing.
  5. Gig economy (noun): an economy in which short-term, flexible jobs are common, often through online platforms.
  6. Climate anxiety (noun): a feeling of worry or concern about the impact of climate change.
  7. Digital nomad (noun): a person who works remotely and travels frequently, often to different countries.
  8. E-scooter (noun): a type of electric scooter designed for personal transportation.
  9. Fintech (noun): financial technology, especially in the context of online banking and mobile payments.
  10. Wellness warrior (noun): a person who prioritizes their physical and mental well-being.

2021 Additions

  1. Covidiot (noun): a person who behaves in a foolish or reckless manner during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Pandemic fatigue (noun): the feeling of exhaustion or mental fatigue caused by the prolonged duration of a pandemic.
  3. Remote work (noun): work done from a remote location, often using digital communication tools.
  4. Sustainable fashion (noun): clothing and accessories that are designed to be environmentally friendly and socially responsible.
  5. Viral load (noun): the amount of a virus present in a person's body.
  6. Woke (adjective): aware of and actively anti-racist or anti-oppressive.
  7. Zombie debt (noun): a debt that is no longer being paid and is considered to be "dead" or uncollectible.
  8. E-ink (noun): a type of electronic paper that mimics the appearance of ink on paper.
  9. Fangirl (noun): a female fan of a particular celebrity, musician, or fictional character.
  10. Goblin mode (noun): a state of being in which one is feeling lazy, unmotivated, and unwilling to do anything productive.

These are just a few examples of the many new words added to the OED in recent years. The dictionary is constantly evolving to reflect changes in language and culture.