New words 2019

Here are some new words that were added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2019:

  1. Infodemic (noun): a situation in which a large amount of information is available, but it is difficult to distinguish what is true and what is false.
  2. Vape (verb): to inhale and exhale the vapor of an electronic cigarette or similar device.
  3. Slay (verb): to excel or dominate at something, especially in a impressive or spectacular way.
  4. Ghost (verb): to abandon or leave someone or something, especially in a sudden or unexpected way.
  5. Savage (noun): a person who is brutally honest or critical, often in a humorous or ironic way.
  6. Stan (verb): to be a die-hard fan of someone or something.
  7. Twerk (verb): to dance in a sexually provocative way, typically by shaking one's hips.
  8. Yaaas (interjection): an expression of strong agreement or enthusiasm.
  9. No cap (phrase): an expression meaning "no lie" or "no exaggeration".
  10. Lowkey (adverb): secretly or quietly, often used to describe a feeling or opinion.
  11. Highkey (adverb): openly or obviously, often used to describe a feeling or opinion.
  12. Simp (noun): a person who is overly enthusiastic or obsessed with someone or something.
  13. Tea (noun): gossip or juicy information.
  14. Cap (noun): a lie or exaggeration.
  15. Salty (adjective): bitter or resentful, often used to describe someone who is still upset about a past event.

These words reflect the changing language and culture of the world, and are a mix of slang, internet slang, and words that have become more widely used in everyday conversation.