New wonder woman comic

Exciting news! There's a new Wonder Woman comic book series that's been making waves in the comic book world. Here's a brief rundown:

Title: Wonder Woman (2021) #1-6 (ongoing series)

Writer: Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad

Artist: Jorge Jimenez

Publisher: DC Comics

Release Date: March 2021

Synopsis: This new series marks a fresh start for Wonder Woman, with a new creative team and a new direction. The story takes place after the events of the "Diana: The Wonder Years" miniseries and sets the stage for a new era in Wonder Woman's life.

Plot: The series follows Wonder Woman as she returns to her home in Themyscira, only to find that her mother, Queen Hippolyta, has been overthrown by a group of rebels. With her mother's throne and her own identity in question, Wonder Woman must navigate the complex politics of her homeland while also facing a new threat from the outside world.

Themes: The series explores themes of identity, power, and the complexities of leadership, as Wonder Woman grapples with her role as a hero and a princess.

Art: The artwork by Jorge Jimenez is stunning, with vibrant colors and dynamic action sequences that bring the world of Wonder Woman to life.

Reception: The series has received widespread critical acclaim, with many praising the new creative team's fresh take on the character and the exciting new direction.

Collectibility: The series is available in single issues, as well as in trade paperback collections. The first issue has already become a hot commodity among collectors, so if you're interested in getting your hands on a copy, be sure to act quickly!

Overall, this new Wonder Woman comic book series is a must-read for fans of the character and the DC Universe. With its fresh take on the character, exciting plot, and stunning artwork, it's a great addition to any comic book collection.