New wine sermon

Here's a new wine sermon for you:

Title: "The Fruit of the Vine: A Symbol of God's Abundance"

Text: John 2:1-11 (The Wedding at Cana)


As we gather here today, I want to talk to you about a topic that's near and dear to many of our hearts: wine. Yes, you heard that right - wine! But not just any wine, but the wine that Jesus turned water into at the wedding in Cana.

In this story, we see Jesus' first miracle, where he takes ordinary water and turns it into extraordinary wine. This miracle is often seen as a symbol of Jesus' power and authority, but I want to suggest that it's more than that. I want to suggest that it's a symbol of God's abundance and generosity.

You see, in the ancient world, wine was a symbol of joy, celebration, and community. It was a drink that brought people together, and it was often served at special occasions like weddings. But in this story, Jesus takes that ordinary wine and makes it extraordinary. He takes something that's already good and makes it even better.

This miracle is a reminder that God is a God of abundance, not scarcity. He's a God who wants to bless us and pour out his goodness upon us. He's a God who wants to take what's ordinary in our lives and make it extraordinary.

But here's the thing: we often live as if God is a God of scarcity, not abundance. We often live as if we have to fight for every blessing, every provision, and every miracle. We often live as if we're not worthy of God's goodness, as if we're not deserving of his love.

But Jesus' miracle at Cana tells us a different story. It tells us that God is a God of abundance, who wants to pour out his goodness upon us. It tells us that we are worthy of his love and deserving of his blessings.

So as we celebrate the fruit of the vine today, let's remember that God is a God of abundance, not scarcity. Let's remember that he wants to take what's ordinary in our lives and make it extraordinary. Let's remember that we are worthy of his love and deserving of his blessings.


Dear God, we thank you for the fruit of the vine, which you have given us as a symbol of your abundance and generosity. Help us to remember that you are a God of abundance, not scarcity, and that you want to pour out your goodness upon us. Help us to live as if we are worthy of your love and deserving of your blessings. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.


As we close our eyes and take a sip of this wine, let's remember that it's not just a drink, but a symbol of God's abundance and generosity. Let's remember that we are worthy of his love and deserving of his blessings. And let's remember that God is a God of abundance, who wants to take what's ordinary in our lives and make it extraordinary. Cheers!