New wine church

You're interested in learning more about the New Wine Church!

New Wine Church is a Christian denomination that originated in the UK in the 1990s. The movement was founded by Terry Virgo, a British pastor and evangelist, who had a vision to see a new wave of revival and renewal in the Church.

Here are some key aspects of the New Wine Church:

  1. Charismatic and Evangelical: New Wine Church is rooted in the Charismatic and Evangelical traditions, emphasizing the gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as speaking in tongues, healing, and prophecy.
  2. Emphasis on Community: New Wine places a strong emphasis on building strong, loving communities within the Church. They believe that this is essential for spiritual growth and for reaching out to others with the Gospel.
  3. Mission and Outreach: New Wine is committed to mission and outreach, both locally and globally. They have a strong focus on evangelism, social justice, and serving the poor and marginalized.
  4. Worship and Praise: New Wine Church is known for its vibrant and lively worship services, which often feature contemporary music, prayer, and prophetic ministry.
  5. Leadership and Training: New Wine has a strong focus on leadership development and training, providing resources and support for pastors, leaders, and church planters.

Some notable features of New Wine Church include:

If you're interested in learning more about New Wine Church or finding a local congregation, I recommend checking out their official website or social media channels!