New wine choir

A wine choir! What a unique and intriguing concept! Here's a potential idea for a wine choir:

Concept: "Harmony in the Vineyard"

Mission: To bring together wine enthusiasts and music lovers to create a unique and harmonious experience, celebrating the art of wine-making and the beauty of music.


  1. Wine Choir Members: Recruit a diverse group of individuals who share a passion for wine and music. Members can come from various backgrounds, including wine industry professionals, music enthusiasts, and wine enthusiasts.
  2. Rehearsals: Schedule regular rehearsals at a local winery or wine-related venue. The choir will learn and rehearse a selection of songs, focusing on wine-themed lyrics and harmonies.
  3. Performances: Host performances at wine events, festivals, and private wine tastings. The choir will perform their wine-themed songs, accompanied by a wine expert who will provide educational insights about the wine being featured.
  4. Wine Pairings: Offer wine pairings for each performance, carefully selected to complement the songs and harmonies. This will enhance the overall experience and create a unique connection between the wine and music.

Song Selection:

  1. Wine-themed songs: Choose songs that incorporate wine-related lyrics, such as "Wine and Roses," "Grape Expectations," or "The Wine Song."
  2. Classical pieces: Incorporate classical pieces that evoke the essence of wine, such as Chopin's "Nocturne in E-flat major" or Debussy's "Clair de Lune."
  3. Original compositions: Commission original compositions that incorporate wine-themed lyrics and harmonies.

Marketing Strategy:

  1. Social Media: Utilize social media platforms to promote the wine choir, share rehearsal videos, and engage with potential members and audience members.
  2. Wine Industry Partnerships: Collaborate with local wineries, wine shops, and wine-related businesses to promote the wine choir and offer exclusive wine tastings and pairings.
  3. Community Outreach: Reach out to local music schools, community centers, and cultural organizations to promote the wine choir and attract new members.


  1. Wine-themed merchandise: Offer wine-themed merchandise, such as wine glasses, wine-themed apparel, and wine-infused treats.
  2. CDs and digital downloads: Release a CD or digital download of the wine choir's performances, featuring wine-themed songs and classical pieces.


  1. Membership fees: Charge membership fees for regular rehearsals and performances.
  2. Sponsorships: Seek sponsorships from local wineries, wine-related businesses, and wine industry organizations.
  3. Grants: Apply for grants from local arts organizations and wine-related foundations.


The wine choir concept offers a unique and engaging way to bring together wine enthusiasts and music lovers. By combining wine-themed songs, classical pieces, and wine pairings, the wine choir can create a memorable and harmonious experience that will leave a lasting impression on its audience.