New week morning prayer

Here's a sample morning prayer for a new week:

"Dear God,

As I begin this new week, I come to you with gratitude and humility. I thank you for the gift of life and for the opportunity to start anew.

Help me to approach this week with a sense of purpose and intention. Give me the wisdom to prioritize my tasks and the energy to tackle them with enthusiasm.

May I be mindful of your presence throughout the day, and may I seek your guidance in all that I do. Help me to stay focused on what is truly important, and to keep my heart and mind fixed on you.

As I go about my daily routine, may I be a reflection of your love and kindness to those around me. May I be a source of encouragement and support to my family, friends, and colleagues.

And as I face any challenges or difficulties that may arise, may I remember that you are always with me, and that you are greater than any obstacle.

Thank you for this new week, and for the chance to start fresh. I pray that it will be filled with joy, peace, and purpose.


Feel free to modify it to fit your personal needs and preferences!