New website launch campaign

A new website launch campaign is a strategic plan to promote and publicize the launch of a new website. Here's a comprehensive outline to help you plan and execute a successful campaign:

Pre-Launch (Weeks 1-4)

  1. Content Creation:
    • Develop high-quality, engaging content (text, images, videos) for the website.
    • Optimize content for search engines (SEO).
  2. Social Media Setup:
    • Create social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.).
    • Set up social media profiles with consistent branding and content.
  3. Email Marketing:
    • Build an email list of subscribers interested in the website's content.
    • Create a newsletter or promotional email campaign to announce the launch.
  4. Influencer Outreach:
    • Identify influencers in the industry or niche.
    • Reach out to influencers to collaborate, promote the website, or request reviews.

Launch Day (Week 5)

  1. Website Launch:
    • Launch the website and make it live for the public.
    • Ensure the website is mobile-friendly, fast, and secure.
  2. Social Media Blast:
    • Share the website's launch on social media platforms.
    • Use relevant hashtags and tag influencers or industry leaders.
  3. Email Campaign:
    • Send a newsletter or promotional email to subscribers announcing the website's launch.
    • Offer exclusive content, promotions, or discounts to subscribers.
  4. Press Release:
    • Craft a press release announcing the website's launch.
    • Distribute the press release to media outlets, industry publications, and online news platforms.

Post-Launch (Weeks 6-8)

  1. Content Marketing:
    • Create and publish high-quality, engaging content (blog posts, videos, podcasts, etc.).
    • Share content on social media and email newsletters.
  2. SEO Optimization:
    • Optimize the website for search engines (SEO) to improve visibility and ranking.
    • Monitor and adjust SEO strategies as needed.
  3. Influencer Engagement:
    • Engage with influencers who have promoted the website or shared content.
    • Encourage influencers to share their experiences or feedback with their audience.
  4. Analytics and Tracking:
    • Monitor website analytics (traffic, engagement, conversion rates, etc.).
    • Track email marketing metrics (open rates, click-through rates, etc.).
    • Adjust the campaign based on data insights and feedback.

Budget Allocation

  1. Content Creation: 30%
  2. Social Media Setup: 15%
  3. Email Marketing: 15%
  4. Influencer Outreach: 10%
  5. Press Release: 5%
  6. Content Marketing: 10%
  7. SEO Optimization: 5%
  8. Influencer Engagement: 5%
  9. Analytics and Tracking: 5%


  1. Pre-Launch: Weeks 1-4
  2. Launch Day: Week 5
  3. Post-Launch: Weeks 6-8

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  1. Website traffic and engagement metrics (e.g., page views, bounce rate, time on site).
  2. Email marketing metrics (e.g., open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates).
  3. Social media metrics (e.g., followers, engagement rates, reach).
  4. Influencer engagement and outreach metrics (e.g., number of influencers reached, content shared).
  5. Conversion rates (e.g., form submissions, sales, leads generated).

By following this campaign outline, you'll be able to effectively promote and publicize the launch of your new website, drive traffic and engagement, and measure the campaign's success.