New water connection

A new water connection! Exciting times! Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process:

Before You Begin

  1. Check with your local water authority: Contact your local water utility company to confirm if you need a new water connection. They may have specific requirements or regulations to follow.
  2. Determine the type of connection: Decide what type of water connection you need:
    • Metered connection: For a fixed property, such as a house or apartment.
    • Unmetered connection: For a non-residential property, such as a business or farm.
    • Temporary connection: For a short-term water supply, such as for a construction site or event.

Application and Approval

  1. Submit an application: Fill out the necessary application form provided by your local water authority. You may need to provide:
    • Property details (address, owner's name, etc.)
    • Water usage information (estimated consumption, etc.)
    • Payment information (if applicable)
  2. Pay the application fee: You may need to pay a fee for the application process.
  3. Wait for approval: The water authority will review your application and may request additional information or clarification.

Installation and Connection

  1. Choose a licensed plumber: Hire a licensed plumber to install the new water connection. They will ensure the connection is installed correctly and meets local regulations.
  2. Install the water meter: If you're getting a metered connection, the plumber will install the water meter.
  3. Connect the water supply: The plumber will connect the water supply line to your property.
  4. Test the connection: The plumber will test the connection to ensure it's working properly.

Additional Requirements

  1. Water meter reading: You may need to install a water meter reader to monitor your water usage.
  2. Water conservation measures: You may need to install water-saving devices, such as low-flow showerheads or toilets.
  3. Regular maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain your water connection to prevent leaks and ensure a smooth supply.

Costs and Timeline

  1. Application fee: This fee varies depending on your location and the type of connection.
  2. Installation costs: The cost of installation will depend on the complexity of the project, the distance from the water main, and the type of materials used.
  3. Timeline: The entire process, from application to installation, can take several weeks to several months.

Remember to always follow local regulations and guidelines when installing a new water connection. If you're unsure about any part of the process, consult with your local water authority or a licensed plumber for guidance.