New warri monarch crowned

You're referring to the recent coronation of a new monarch in Warri, Nigeria!

For those who may not know, the Itsekiri people of Warri, Delta State, Nigeria, have a rich cultural heritage and a long history of monarchs. The Olu of Warri is the traditional ruler of the Itsekiri kingdom, and the coronation of a new Olu is a significant event in the community.

According to reports, the new Olu of Warri, His Royal Majesty, Ogiame Atuwatse III, was crowned on January 21, 2021, after the demise of the previous Olu, Ogiame Ikenwoli. The coronation ceremony was attended by dignitaries from across Nigeria, including government officials, traditional rulers, and members of the Itsekiri community.

The new Olu is said to be a descendant of the royal family and has been trained in the traditions and customs of the Itsekiri people. His coronation marks a new era for the kingdom, and he is expected to lead the community with wisdom, justice, and prosperity.

It's great to see the rich cultural heritage of the Itsekiri people being celebrated and preserved through the coronation of a new monarch.