New voices fund

The New Voices Fund is a program established by the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) to provide financial support to minority-owned media outlets and journalists. The fund aims to increase diversity and representation in the media industry by providing resources and opportunities to underrepresented voices.

Here are some key facts about the New Voices Fund:

  1. Mission: The New Voices Fund is dedicated to empowering minority-owned media outlets and journalists to tell their own stories and share their perspectives with the world.
  2. Eligibility: The fund is open to minority-owned media outlets, including online news sites, blogs, podcasts, and other digital media platforms. Individual journalists and producers who are members of NABJ are also eligible to apply.
  3. Grants: The New Voices Fund provides grants to support the production of high-quality journalism, including reporting, editing, and production costs. Grants can range from $5,000 to $20,000.
  4. Focus areas: The fund focuses on supporting journalism that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion. Priority areas include:
    • Investigative reporting on issues affecting minority communities
    • Coverage of underreported stories and topics
    • Development of new media platforms and formats
    • Training and professional development for minority journalists
  5. Application process: The application process typically opens in the spring and summer months. Applicants must submit a proposal outlining their project, budget, and timeline. A review committee selects the grant recipients based on the quality of the proposal and the potential impact of the project.
  6. Partnerships: The New Voices Fund partners with other organizations and foundations to amplify its impact. These partners may provide additional funding, resources, or expertise to support the fund's mission.

The New Voices Fund is an important initiative that helps to promote diversity and representation in the media industry. By supporting minority-owned media outlets and journalists, the fund helps to ensure that a wide range of voices and perspectives are heard and represented in the media.