New vision international film festival

The New Vision International Film Festival (NVIFF) is an annual film festival that showcases innovative and groundbreaking films from around the world. Here are some key details about the festival:

Mission: NVIFF aims to promote and celebrate new and innovative storytelling in film, providing a platform for emerging and established filmmakers to showcase their work.

Location: The festival is held in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Duration: The festival typically takes place over a period of 5-7 days in November.

Film Categories: NVIFF features a range of film categories, including:

  1. Feature Films: Narrative and documentary films with a minimum runtime of 40 minutes.
  2. Short Films: Narrative and documentary films with a maximum runtime of 40 minutes.
  3. Animation: Animated films, including 2D and 3D animation.
  4. Experimental Films: Films that push the boundaries of traditional storytelling and filmmaking techniques.
  5. Music Videos: Music videos that showcase innovative storytelling and filmmaking.

Submission Guidelines: Filmmakers can submit their films through the festival's online submission platform. The submission deadline is usually in September, and the festival accepts films in various formats, including digital and physical copies.

Jury and Awards: A panel of industry professionals and experts serves as the jury for NVIFF. The festival awards prizes in various categories, including Best Feature Film, Best Short Film, Best Animation, and Best Experimental Film.

Past Winners: NVIFF has featured a range of notable winners, including films that have gone on to receive critical acclaim and recognition at other major film festivals.

Industry Events: NVIFF also hosts industry events, including panels, workshops, and networking opportunities, to bring together filmmakers, industry professionals, and audiences.

Audience Engagement: The festival offers a range of audience engagement activities, including Q&A sessions with filmmakers, live music performances, and interactive installations.

Partnerships: NVIFF partners with various organizations and institutions to promote the festival and support emerging filmmakers.