New vegas things that go boom

You're referring to the various explosives and explosives-related content in Fallout: New Vegas!

Here are some notable examples:

  1. Mini Nukes: These are the most powerful explosives in the game, capable of destroying entire buildings and causing massive destruction. You can find them in various locations, including the Atomic Wrangler casino and the Nellis Air Force Base.
  2. Plasma Grenades: These grenades release a burst of plasma energy, dealing massive damage to enemies and causing them to ignite. You can craft them using plasma cells and grenade casings.
  3. Rocket Launchers: These weapons fire powerful rockets that can blast enemies to smithereens. You can find them in various locations, including the 188 Trading Post and the NCR Ranger Station.
  4. Missile Launchers: These weapons fire guided missiles that can target specific enemies or locations. You can find them in various locations, including the New Vegas Strip and the NCR Ranger Station.
  5. Explosive Vials: These vials contain a potent explosive that can be used to create a makeshift bomb. You can craft them using various chemicals and materials.
  6. Gas Cylinders: These cylinders contain a flammable gas that can be used to create a makeshift bomb. You can find them in various locations, including the New Vegas Strip and the NCR Ranger Station.
  7. Pipe Bombs: These bombs are made from pipes and explosives, and can be used to create a makeshift explosive device. You can craft them using various materials and chemicals.
  8. Mines: These are explosive devices that can be placed on the ground to detonate when an enemy approaches. You can find them in various locations, including the New Vegas Strip and the NCR Ranger Station.
  9. Traps: These are various traps that can be set up to harm or kill enemies, including explosive traps that can be triggered by enemies. You can find them in various locations, including the New Vegas Strip and the NCR Ranger Station.

Remember to always use explosives responsibly and with caution, as they can cause unintended consequences and harm innocent bystanders.