New vegas perk list

Here is a list of perks in Fallout: New Vegas:

Perk Categories

  1. Combat Perks: Improve your combat abilities, such as damage output, accuracy, and critical hits.
  2. Defense Perks: Enhance your ability to withstand damage, including increased health, resistance to certain types of damage, and improved armor.
  3. Stealth Perks: Improve your ability to move undetected, sneak past enemies, and pick locks.
  4. Exploration Perks: Enhance your ability to explore the wasteland, including increased carrying capacity, improved navigation, and enhanced senses.
  5. Science Perks: Improve your ability to use technology, including increased repair skill, improved hacking, and enhanced science-based abilities.
  6. Charisma Perks: Improve your ability to interact with NPCs, including increased speech skill, improved persuasion, and enhanced leadership abilities.


Combat Perks

  1. Companion: +10% damage to companions.
  2. Critical Banker: +10% critical hit chance.
  3. Critical Mass: +20% critical hit damage.
  4. Demolition Expert: +20% damage to explosives.
  5. Gunslinger: +10% damage to guns.
  6. Hardened: +10% damage resistance.
  7. Infiltrator: +10% sneak attack damage.
  8. Lone Wanderer: +10% damage to enemies while solo.
  9. Martial Artist: +10% damage to melee attacks.
  10. Night Person: +10% damage to enemies at night.
  11. Ruthless: +10% critical hit damage to enemies below 50% health.
  12. Scout: +10% damage to enemies while in sneak mode.
  13. Shotgun Surgeon: +10% damage to shotgun attacks.
  14. Silent Running: +10% damage to enemies while in power armor.
  15. Vampire's Thirst: +10% damage to enemies while low on health.

Defense Perks

  1. Armorer: +10% damage resistance to armor.
  2. Battle Brew: +10% health regeneration.
  3. Hard Head: +10% headshot damage resistance.
  4. Iron Fist: +10% melee attack damage resistance.
  5. Med-X: +10% poison resistance.
  6. Rad Resistance: +10% radiation resistance.
  7. Resilient: +10% damage resistance.
  8. Sneak Attack: +10% sneak attack damage.
  9. Toughness: +10% damage resistance.
  10. Unarmed Combat: +10% unarmed attack damage resistance.

Stealth Perks

  1. Action Boy/Action Girl: +10% critical hit chance while in sneak mode.
  2. Infiltrator: +10% sneak attack damage.
  3. Night Person: +10% damage to enemies at night while in sneak mode.
  4. Scout: +10% damage to enemies while in sneak mode.
  5. Silent Running: +10% damage to enemies while in power armor and in sneak mode.
  6. Sneak Attack: +10% sneak attack damage.
  7. Stealth Boy: +10% critical hit chance while in sneak mode.

Exploration Perks

  1. Action Boy/Action Girl: +10% critical hit chance while in sneak mode.
  2. Caravan: +10% carrying capacity.
  3. Explorer: +10% navigation skill.
  4. Hard to Kill: +10% health regeneration.
  5. Scout: +10% damage to enemies while in sneak mode.
  6. Survivalist: +10% food and water regeneration.
  7. Toughness: +10% damage resistance.

Science Perks

  1. Action Boy/Action Girl: +10% critical hit chance while in sneak mode.
  2. Demolition Expert: +20% damage to explosives.
  3. Gunslinger: +10% damage to guns.
  4. Hardened: +10% damage resistance.
  5. Infiltrator: +10% sneak attack damage.
  6. Martial Artist: +10% damage to melee attacks.
  7. Repair: +10% repair skill.
  8. Science!: +10% science-based abilities.
  9. Scout: +10% damage to enemies while in sneak mode.
  10. Tinkerer: +10% repair skill.

Charisma Perks

  1. Barter: +10% barter skill.
  2. Charisma: +10% charisma-based abilities.
  3. Companion: +10% damage to companions.
  4. Inspirational Leader: +10% damage to enemies while leading a group.
  5. Linguist: +10% language skill.
  6. Persuader: +10% persuasion skill.
  7. Scout: +10% damage to enemies while in sneak mode.
  8. Speech: +10% speech skill.

Note: Some perks have multiple effects, and some effects may be dependent on other perks or skills.