New user icon

A new user icon! That's a great idea!

Here are a few design concepts for a new user icon:

Concept 1: Simple and Friendly

A smiling face with a subtle gradient effect to give it a modern look. The face is designed to be simple and easy to recognize, making it perfect for a new user icon.

Concept 2: Robot with a Heart

A robot with a heart-shaped head, symbolizing the idea that new users are welcome and valued. The robot's design is playful and approachable, making it a great fit for a user icon.

Concept 3: Lightbulb Moment

A stylized lightbulb with a bright, shining light, representing the "aha" moment when a new user discovers the platform. The design is modern and sleek, with a touch of whimsy.

Concept 4: Compass

A stylized compass with a subtle smile, guiding new users through the platform. The design is clean and simple, with a nod to the idea of navigation and exploration.

Which one do you like the most? Do you have any specific design preferences or ideas in mind?