New usa president name

A new USA President! That's exciting news!

As of now, the current President of the United States is Joe Biden. However, if you're asking about potential future Presidents, there are many qualified individuals who have been mentioned as possible candidates. Here are a few names that have been floated:

Democratic Party:

  1. Kamala Harris - California Senator and former Attorney General
  2. Elizabeth Warren - Massachusetts Senator and former Harvard Law Professor
  3. Pete Buttigieg - Indiana Mayor and former Democratic Presidential candidate
  4. Andrew Yang - Entrepreneur and former Democratic Presidential candidate
  5. Michael Bloomberg - Former New York City Mayor and billionaire businessman

Republican Party:

  1. Nikki Haley - Former United Nations Ambassador and South Carolina Governor
  2. Mike Pence - Current Vice President and former Indiana Governor
  3. Ted Cruz - Texas Senator and former Presidential candidate
  4. Marco Rubio - Florida Senator and former Presidential candidate
  5. John Kasich - Ohio Governor and former Presidential candidate

Third Party/Independent:

  1. Tulsi Gabbard - Hawaii Representative and former Democratic Presidential candidate
  2. Andrew Napolitano - Former New Jersey Superior Court Judge and Fox News personality
  3. Howard Schultz - Former Starbucks CEO and billionaire businessman

Please note that these are just a few examples, and many other individuals may also be considered as potential Presidential candidates in the future.