New troy

You're referring to the 2004 film "Troy" directed by Wolfgang Petersen!

"Troy" is an epic historical drama that retells the legendary story of the Trojan War, a ten-year conflict between the city-states of Troy and Greece. The film stars Brad Pitt as Achilles, Eric Bana as Hector, and Orlando Bloom as Paris.

The movie takes creative liberties with the original Homer's Iliad, but it's still an action-packed and visually stunning adaptation. The film's visual effects, costumes, and sets were praised for their accuracy and attention to detail.

Some notable aspects of the film include:

  1. The battle scenes: The film's action sequences, particularly the epic battles between the Greeks and Trojans, were widely praised for their intensity and realism.
  2. The characters: The film's portrayal of the legendary characters, such as Achilles, Hector, and Paris, was well-received by audiences and critics alike.
  3. The setting: The film's depiction of ancient Troy and the surrounding landscape was impressive, with detailed sets and costumes that transported viewers to ancient Greece.

However, some critics felt that the film's pacing was slow, and the story was overly focused on the romantic subplot between Paris and Helen (played by Diane Kruger).

Overall, "Troy" is an entertaining and visually stunning film that brings the legendary story of the Trojan War to life in a new and exciting way.

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