New transporter movie

A new Transporter movie! That's exciting news for fans of the franchise. Here's what we know so far:

Title: The Transporter Refueled (working title)

Release Date: September 4, 2015 (initially scheduled, but the release date has been pushed back)


Plot: The movie takes place in the present day, with Frank Martin, a former Special Forces operative, now working as a driver for hire. When a mysterious woman named Tara hires him for a job, Frank finds himself caught up in a complex web of intrigue and deception. As he navigates the treacherous world of high-stakes espionage, Frank must use his driving skills and combat training to stay one step ahead of his enemies.

Action and Stunts: The Transporter Refueled promises to deliver plenty of high-octane action and stunts, with Frank performing daring driving feats and taking down bad guys with his signature style.

Changes from the Original: The new movie will introduce a new protagonist, Frank Martin, played by Ed Skrein, who takes over the role from Jason Statham, who played the character in the previous three movies. The film will also have a new tone and style, with a greater emphasis on action and adventure.

Reception: The movie has received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising the action sequences and Skrein's performance, while others have criticized the plot and character development.

Overall, The Transporter Refueled looks like an exciting addition to the franchise, with plenty of action, adventure, and intrigue to keep fans entertained.